Having a lot of iPad tips nearby is very useful if you’re just learning to use your iPad. Sometimes it might be hard to find the right tips for you, and you’re wanting to know what to do quickly. Here are a few of the most convenient tips and tricks compiled especially for the iPad. Use the ones that work for you.
You can bring up a list of every app currently running on your iPad. By double-clicking on your Home button, you will see every running app in a bar near the bottom of the screen. Simply tap on the app you want to view. When you’re done, swipe the screen downwards to hide the bar.
When accessing a remote server, your iPad uses a VPN network. The VPN feature on an iPad can be activated by entering the network section of the settings menu. You’ll be prompted to enter a username, as well as a server address. Get in touch with the network administrator if you do not know the server address.
Did you accidentally start an app that is noisy? Muting your volume is as simple as pressing and holding the volume button down. If you are using iOS 4.3 or later, it is possible to make the toggle switch near the volume control mute your iPad.
If WiFi join notifications annoy you, simply get rid of them. Look for an option called Ask To Join that is referring to networks. By choosing that option, you will never again be bothered by the invitations.
When your password is entered 10 times, your iPad erases – is this a function you’d like to turn on? This will erase everything on your phone if someone has not figured out the code after 10 tries.
It is always best to read the manual of the products you buy, but the only way to get a manual for your iPad is to download it. Apple finds that this is the most efficient way for you to be guided.
Google Calendar
If you want to sync your Google Calendar with the iPad’s native calendar app, open the settings menu and navigate to Mail > Contacts > Calendars. Then just Add An Account, choosing Other. Use the Add CalDAV icon to input your information for Google. Once done, click the calendar app. All of the information from your Google Calendar should now be at your fingertips.
You can block mature content on an iPad that was purchased for use by your child. Go to the menu for settings and set up filters for mature content. This lets you block any adult content you don’t want available.
If you think that it’s a little difficult to master your iPad, consider joining a forum online. There are dozens of websites dedicated to learning more about the iPad. Introduce yourself and look through the forum archives to find useful information to fast-track your iPad talent.
The iPad is pre-loaded with lots of apps you have no use for. But, lots of them cannot be deleted. Make a folder to store all these useless apps out of the way. This will your main page to only have the things you use often.
Determine whether you wish your lock key to just lock tablet orientation or mute sounds. The newer versions have this contemporary function added in. Running iOS 4.3+ will give you this option. The iPad can be muted by holding down the volume button.
Quite a few people think that the battery charge percentage number is annoying on their screen. However, you can get it off of your screen rather simply. To turn off, simply go into your General Settings and click Usage. This is where it is possible to turn it off. To revert this action, just go back to the same settings menu and move the slider to “on.”
There are two ways you can view PDFs on the iPad. You can either put your PDF in iTunes and sync your iPad with it, or you can email them to yourself on iPad. Try them both out to see which method is best for your needs.
Have you thought about connecting your TV to your iPad? You just need to buy an adapter to do so. You’re looking for the digital AV adapter or the Apple VGA adapter. Both are fine.
Are you aware you can use the Google Maps’ Street View Feature? Search on it and a red pin will show up on your map. Tap that pin to select the white and red person icon, which will load Street View.
Are you aware you don’t need to use the iPad’s keyboard? It can be pretty hard to type on a small keyboard projected on your screen. A better option is to buy a Bluetooth-enabled keyboard, which can be used with your iPad easily. They will make typing much easier.
Does your screen get scratched? While the iPad can take quite a bit of damage, if you start to notice small scratches, then it may be time to put a protector on your device. Not only do these devices protect your iPad’s screen, they also protect your fingers.
To copy text on your iPad is simple; you just need to double click any keyword. You can also copy an entire paragraph at once. When you tap four times, you will cover the full range of the paragraph. This not only works for paragraphs, but it also works for the URL bar and addresses.
Protect your children if they use your iPad to access the Internet. Go to Settings, General, and then Restrictions. Then, tap Enable Restrictions. Now your child is protected from exposure to age inappropriate content. You should set restrictions for all adult type content.
The iPad not only is fun, but it’s a very useful tool. If you know what you are doing, it can be very satisfying. If you don’t, it can be very frustrating. After having read this article, you know possess the knowledge needed to use your iPad to its full capacity. Try a tip or two and enjoy your iPad.