Do you really understand the breadth of possibilities that iPhone apps make available to you? Luckily for you, the following information answers these questions and shows you how to have an easier time with your iPhone. When you know how to properly use your iPhone, your life will suddenly become a little bit easier.
Uncooked rice can be used to help dry an iPhone that has gotten wet. It is common to drop the phone in a water puddle, the toilet or something wet. Towel dry your phone and put it in a baggie filled with rice. Then dry it out overnight, or at the bare minimum for several hours.
Make sure your phone is updated whenever new updates are available. Updating your phone guarantees that you have the latest software fixes, updates and options for your phone. Updates also allow you to save your photos and important files to your computer.
You don’t need to type in the “.com” when browsing the web on your iPhone. Just put the main address – anything before the .com – to navigate to the site you want. Though this may seem insignificant, the time savings can be substantial over the long run.
Buy a screen to protect your phone. Without one, you’ll find that your iPhone screen will be subject to a lot of tiny scratches and minor nicks. It is easy for small particles on your fingers to create scratches. So take the precautionary step and add on that screen protection.
AutoCorrect usually tries to suggest different words for you to use, but you don’t have to keep hitting “X” at each word. You can simply tap the screen anywhere. This is the fastest way of closing the suggestion box.
You can increase your messaging speed using this method. You can dismiss dictionary word suggestions by tapping the screen. The little “X” does not have to be hit!
Get quick access to your email by tagging your account with your iPhone. This helps greatly because once you get an instant notification, you can check out the message instantaneously on the iPhone. You can choose a variety of email accounts or just one to tag to your phone.
One of the iPhone features most users utilize is that of taking pictures. After a long photo shoot, though, sorting through the snapshots on the camera roll can be cumbersome. The iPhone makes it easy to organize your photos and even easier to find them. This will reduce the amount of time it takes to locate a specific photo or image.
Do you want to use a shortcut to get to the camera option on your iPhone? Luckily, there is a shortcut that will help to speed things up. Double tap Home twice when the screen is in a locked state. A camera icon should pop up somewhere right near the screen’s bottom. Hitting it will instantly throw your iPhone into camera mode.
Your iPhone has an on-board calculator that can take all of the guesswork out of any basic math that you run into. When the phone is in a vertical position, the calculator is a standard one, but when the phone is held horizontally, a scientific calculator appears.
Web Browser
The Safari web browser on your phone acts just like a web browser on a desktop. It even allows you to save images from the web. Tap and hold any pictures you run across that you would like to save. The context menu pops up, and you can save the picture to the Camera Roll on your phone. You can also choose to copy it to a message.
Turn keyboard clicks On by going to your Sound Settings if you like hearing the little clicks every time you press a character. You can avoid errors more easily because you can hear when each character registers.
After you get your iPhone, choose a ringtone that you love. Don’t stick with the default tone like most people do. You can easily upload a favorite song or sound byte that is to your liking and store it on your iPhone. This serves as a unique alternative to default ringtones.
Whenever you drop your iPhone into water, which is very possible to eventually happen, do not turn it on immediately to see if it is okay. Let it dry out as much as possible before attempting to turn the power on. If the phone is turned on while wet, it could short circuit.
The command to mark one of your emails as “unread” isn’t a visible one. Go to Details, then select the Unread feature. When you come back to your inbox, the e-mail will show up as unread.
Tap cancel when writing an email if you cannot finish composing your email. Your iPhone will then inquire if you prefer to save this email in your drafts. When you choose yes, you will then be able to bring up your unfinished email at a later time.
You should be using your iPhone to share and send photos to your family and friends. You can achieve this by following either of two processes. First, you can save the image and then add it as an attachment to an email, or you can go to your Facebook application and upload it there for everyone to see.
Social Media
Connect with your friends using mobile social media. You can update Twitter, Facebook and other social networks through your iPhone. Instantly catch all of the latest news and buzz with the social media applications so that you are in the loop sooner than anyone else.
As you can see, there are many apps and built-in features that can be used to make your experience with your iPhone even better. Use what you learned from this article to improve your phone experience, and help manage your life.